Pre-investment studies for REHABILITATION OF SEWER project. Elaboration of the blue prints for 201.22 ml rehabilitation of the residual water conduction pipeline in Price Barracks. Replace 4” tubing, the tranche begins at the last inspection chamber before reaching the water treatment plant. Along the new pipeline, cleaning and inspection boxes will be built every 24.4 ml (80 feet).Pre-investment studies for RENOVATION BUILDINGS for Air Wing Camp project, Prefabricated Medical Center, Fairweather Buildings, Reparation and rehabilitation Belizario Camp buildings; Reparation of ammunition storage bays. Elaboration of the blue prints: for Renovation of ten (10) buildings from Air Wing Camp; three (3) buildings reparation of Fairweather Buildings; Reparation and rehabilitation of twelve (12) Belizario Camp buildings; Reparation the ceiling and doors of seven (7) ammunition storage bays; . (Air Wing Camp -The works consist of the design for window replacement, interior and exterior paintjob, ceiling repairs, replacement of roof fascia, light replacement and installation of ceiling fans. It is estimated that the repair area amongst all buildings totals 10,800 ft2 (1,003.87 m2); Prefabricated Medical Center -prefabricated wooden 20x30 ft. (Area: 56 m2) house, with shared livingdining room, kitchenette, 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom; Belizario Camp buildings - Reparation and rehabilitation of twelve (12) Belizario Camp buildings and some additional facilities to prolong their useful lifespan and increase the quality of life for the soldiers. The repairs consist in 10,000 ft2 (929.51 m2) rehabilitation of the rooftops and suspended ceiling, construction of concrete block walls, window replacement and door restoration, electrical improvements and placement of ceiling fans, paint job, and other such works; Reparation the ceiling and doors of seven (7) ammunition storage bays - in accordance to security specifications required for this kind of building (reinforced concrete slab) and heavy metallic doors. The area to be rehabilitated is approximately 2,700 f2 (250.97 m2). (EXPIRED)