The object of the contract is Training, Certification and Practice two hundred (200) long-term unemployed in thematic subjects which have been created based on study to diagnose the needs of the regional labor market in the Northern Aegean. Objective of the action is the development of knowledge and skills that will help beneficiaries to adapt in today's business conditions and therefore the strengthening of employability. The training per thematic unit will concern a total of 100 hours of which 90 hours will be implemented through of asynchronous e-learning and 10 hours will concern lifelong training. The certification process will involve an assessment of knowledge and skills and will be provided by accredited bodies certification of persons, according to the international standard ISO/IEC 17024 or EOPPEP, while the Practice exercise will take place in positions related to the subject of the program and will have duration of fifty (50) hours. Briefly, the thematic sections concern the following subjects: - Customer service - Secretarial Support Executive - Electronic Management and Development of Basic ICT Skills - Sales executive (EXPIRED)