Lot1: Eight (08) Wet Cleaning Machines-Vacuum Cleaners (combined) with a capacity of 8m3 and a set of spare parts. Lot2: Seven (07 Wet Cleaning Machines-Vacuum Cleaners (combined) with a capacity of 8m3 and a set of spare parts. Lot3: five (05) high-pressure mini hydro-cleaners with a capacity of 600 l and a set of spare parts. Sub-Lot 4.1: thirty (30) pick-up Sub-Lot 4.2: twenty (20) mono space cars Lot 5: construction machine : One (01) backhoe loader Two (02) agriculture tractor Ten (10) towable tipper One ampliroll arm truck Two (02) ampliroll mud tipper (10m3) Lot 6: construction machine : One (01) backhoe loader Three (03) rapid visual control systems by portable camera Thirty (30) stamp detectors Four (04) geo detection radars (EXPIRED)