Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)

General information

Organization name Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI)
Country of operations Belize
Description The Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) is the largest private sector membership based organization in Belize. Founded in 1920, the Chamber has been consistently championing the causes of its private sector constituency and considers among its primary objectives the social and economic development of Belize through the development of all sectors of industry, commerce and services. Additionally, since 1997, the Chamber is the only recognized “Employers Organization” in Belize under the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) tri-partite social partnership. Currently, the BCCI boasts a fluctuating membership of more than three hundred (350) Belizean businesses from a wide cross-section of the agricultural, productive, service and industrial sectors. The BCCI’s mandate is legally enshrined in Chapter 308 of the Laws of Belize under the Belize Chamber of Commerce & Industry Act. T
Type of buyer Private Organization
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Primary contact information

Name Mr. Artemio Osorio
Title Interim Procurement Director
Address #4792 Coney Drive First Floor of Withfield Tower, Belize City Belize ,Belize
Phone +501-223-5330 +501-223-5331

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