UGANDA - Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd

Parent Buyer: Agence Française de Développement - Agence de Financement

General information

Organization name UGANDA - Uganda Electricity Generation Company Ltd
Country of operations Uganda
Description Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited (“UEGCL or the Company”) was incorporated in 2001 initially with the main objective to take over as a going concern the generation activities of the now defunct Uganda Electricity Board (UEB) together with all or any part of the property, assets and liabilities associated with it as was transferred to the Company by UEB in accordance with the Public Enterprise Reform and Divestiture Act. These assets transferred to the Company from UEB were principally the 180 MW Nalubaale and 200 MW Kira Hydro Power Stations located in Jinja.
Type of buyer Public Organization
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Primary contact information

Name Allen Asasira
Title Head, Procurement and Disposal Unit
Address Block C, Victoria Office Park Okot - Kiwanuka Close, Bukoto,Kampala
Phone +256312372165

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